To Our Valued Clients,
Nexelis continues to closely monitor the current global situation related to the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Nexelis’ global sites are working diligently to ensure continuity of services provided to our clients and the patients that we serve. In concert, we have implemented additional precautions at our global sites to ensure a safe and health working environment for our employees.
In order to further reduce the potential spread of COVID-19 to our lab facilities, we have taken the following steps:
- Most non-lab essential employees have been asked to work from home.
- Essential staff will be on-site and have taken additional precautions to reduce contact with others.
- Nexelis staff will utilize conference calling abilities rather than face-to-face meetings whenever possible.
- All business travels, including intra- and inter-national travel have been cancelled unless business critical. All meetings will be held virtually until further notice.
- Employees who are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 have been asked to stay home for a self quarantine period of 14 days.
- All visitors in support of business-critical visits (i.e. equipment repair) are screened for COVID-19 symptoms and risk prior to entering our facility to minimize possible contact with on-site staff.
Additionally, all employees and visitors will adhere to the following preventative practices:
- Social distancing practices (keeping a 6-foot distance from others and eliminating handshakes) as well as frequent handwashing and use of hand sanitizer.
- Cover any coughs and sneeze into their elbow or in a tissue (that is disposed of immediately), and wash hands frequently for at least 20 seconds with water and soap.
As our office and lab teams continue to operate through the current crisis, Nexelis is working closely with its vendors to ensure that supply chains are not impacted. Currently, we expect little/no interruption of services or delay to study timelines and deliverables. We will remain in close contact and should this evolving situation change, our teams will inform you as quickly as possible.
Should you have any questions regarding Nexelis’ actions regarding COVID-19, please let us know.
Benoit Bouche
CEO, Nexelis